When vehicle packaging is opened and a damaged component discovered, the costs go far beyond the affected item. Auto plants run lean with parts delivered just hours before assembly. One defective plastic molding, electronic sub-assembly or trim piece can bring production to a halt while the shipment is re-inspected or returned. There will be an investigation into the root cause, overtime working to make up the shortfall, and the supplier will probably pick up the tab.
Need packaging expertise? Smurfit Westrock Packaging Solutions can help.
The Risk of Transportation Damage
Breakage is one risk, but transportation damage is often more subtle. Dings, scratches and cracks in plastic and metal can shorten component life and incur warranty costs. Other parts like electronics, fabrics and foams are susceptible to high humidity or temperature changes leading to distortion, corrosion or mold. And visually-important “Class A” surfaces must never rub or chafe under any circumstances.
Vehicle Packaging Protection is Paramount
Appropriate protective vehicle packaging helps avoid these problems and requires careful consideration. When considering packaging automotive industry specialists give as much thought to this as to product design. If you ship automotive components, here are three aspects of vehicle packaging to consider:
1. Protection provided
Packaging must shield the components from damage, whether from vibration, shock impacts or environmental factors like temperature and humidity changes. Some parts are even vulnerable to air pressure changes experienced during air transport. One aspect of ensuring adequate protection is to design packaging specifically for the items being moved.
2. Part specific design
Generic cartons and “peanuts” let products move and possibly touch during shipping. They use space inefficiently, are difficult to handle on the assembly line and do nothing for ease-of-access. The optimal packaging solution holds each part appropriately for its design and function while maximizing volume utilization and allowing easy retrieval for assembly. Minimizing material waste is another plus point too as handling trash doesn't add value and auto-makers are keen to minimize landfill costs. Returnable packaging is always viewed favorably.
3. Conformance with safety standards.
Your vehicle packaging solution provider must understand the regulations applicable to your chosen mode of transport. Wood can be an issue because of the risk of transporting bugs. Likewise, flammability is a major concern, especially when shipping oils, greases, textiles and assemblies like air bags.
When it comes to packaging automotive industry logistics and quality specialists focus on damage prevention. This reduces the waste that results when parts are scrapped but also prevents assembly disruption and helps avoid warranty issues. Appropriate packaging reduces costs throughout the automotive supply chain, and that's something everyone can support! Learn more about Smurfit Westrock Packaging Solution's extensive automotive packaging experience and the unparalleled quality our products and services deliver to the automotive industry.